Collection: Money Plant

Money plants are those super unproblematic and hassle-free indoor companions that come in various shapes and sizes so you have an abundance of options to choose from. Shop Golden, variegated, hanging, and other types of Money plants online with Ugaoo!

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  • Chinese Money Plant Chinese Money Plant
    Chinese Money Plant
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•Keeping Money Plants Indoors

Money plants can easily be classified as relatively low-maintenance indoor plants. Coming in various shapes and sizes, Money Plants are hardy and can even forgive you for certain levels of neglect.
Whichever kind of Money plant you choose to bring home, they all have positive connotations attached to them and make for brilliant indoor plants in every house.

•Buy Money Plant for Vastu

Originating in ancient India, the concept of Vastu Shastra is based on some traditional Hindu beliefs. Vastu, for many people, dictates how things should be positioned in the house and where certain things should be in order for them to be most beneficial and positive.
The Money plant, according to the principles of Vastu, is a great addition to indoor spaces. According to Vastu, when placed in the correct spaces and directions, all different types of Money plants have positive effects on one’s mental health and financial well-being.
The perfect direction for Money plants is the south-east direction. This is said to ensure your mental and financial well-being and remove any obstacles that may lay in your way. Any north entrance to your house is also supposed to be the best place to keep all Money plant varieties.

•Money Plant Indoors: Care Tips and Tricks

1. Ideal Money Plant Soil

Use well-draining, nutrient-rich soil for money plants. A mix of potting soil, perlite and peat moss works well. Every plant needs well-draining soil to have more breathing space and better aeration. This allows for optimal growth.

2. Watering Routine

Money plants prefer moderate watering. Water them when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so ensure proper drainage so that the plant can breathe better.

3. Light Requirements

Money plants thrive indoors, away from direct sunlight. Place them near a window with bright, indirect light for optimal growth as direct sunlight can scorch the leaves.

4. Money Plant Pot

Choose pots with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Any pots and planters work well for Money plants as long as they have good drainage and give the plant enough space to grow.

5. Pruning and Maintenance

Regularly prune money plants to promote bushier growth and prevent legginess. Remove any yellow or diseased leaves to maintain plant health.

6. Money Plant Propagation

Money plants are easy to propagate. You can propagate them from stem cuttings in water or directly in soil. Place cuttings in water until roots develop, then transfer them to pots filled with well-draining soil.

•Different Types of Money Plants: Buy Money Plant Online

1. Money Plant Golden

The Money Plant Golden is your classic Money plant variety. With yellow, green leaves that grow well without needing much care, this type of Money plant is most commonly found everywhere.

2. Money Plant Variegated

The variegated Money Plant is multicolored. The leaves are pretty striking because of their wonderful variegations and the care requirements remain the same. However, you must remember that if you want to maintain the variegation, you must keep the plant in stable conditions and away from vents, or any other place that could cause sudden temperature change

3. Hanging Money Plant

The hanging Money plant grows as a creeper and can grow very well when given the right direction and shape. The care requirements for this also remain the same but you must remember to choose a pot that can handle the weight of a plant when suspended.
Ugaoo ensures that you and your plants get only the best. So, whichever kind of indoor plants you buy online, they will reach you only in the best quality, allowing you to fulfill all your gardening needs and desires and create the perfect home garden!


Why are the leaves of my money plant turning yellow?

Yellowing leaves are generally a sign of overwatering. If random leaves are yellowing, try adjusting the watering schedule.

Why is my plant limp and wilting?

Limp and wilting plants is a clear case of under-watering plants. Water pressure is essential to keep the plant upright.

Why are the leaves of my money plant curling?

Leaf curling of money plants is caused due to either dehydration or extremely hard water that causes salt build-up. Practice bottom watering to ensure that the entirety of the soil is soaked and also mist. If the cause is hard water, then use filtered water or let tap water stand overnight before watering.

Is money plant good for a home?

Yes, money plants are good for a home. They are easy to care for and are believed to bring good luck and prosperity, making them a popular choice for home decor. They also have air-purifying qualities and can help improve indoor air quality.

How long do money plant last?

Money plants can last for several years with proper care. They are hardy plants that can withstand a wide range of temperatures and are relatively low maintenance. However, the lifespan of a money plant can vary based on factors such as the amount of sunlight it receives, the level of humidity in the air, and the quality of soil and water it receives. With good care, money plants can thrive for several years and continue to grow and flourish.