How to Grow Plants from Seeds: The Ultimate Guide

How to Grow Plants from Seeds: The Ultimate Guide

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You know what's super rewarding? The very process of growing plants from seeds. Being there for your plant from the very beginning and seeing it turn into a stunning large plant from a mere seed is one of life's most rewarding events. Which is why we really love our seeds and we adore experimenting with them to grow our own homegrown produce!

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Sometimes, it can be good to ‘wing it' and discover things as you are taking care of your garden. This is what you call experience, and you definitely benefit from being a little adventurous. On the other hand however, there are moments when guidance is required. Because these moments are too ‘high risk' to gamble on, and so you seek out someone who has been in that position before and can help you out. You can learn this way too, and it definitely won't be at the cost of any of your plants.

So, here's an ultimate guide and the only one you will need to know all about the basics of growing plants from seeds. Let's get started!


• Getting Started: What Comes First When Growing Plants from Seeds

growing plants from seeds

Of course, the beginning is the most nerve-wracking and most important moment of all! It is here when the seeds of success are sown, or a harvest of failure decided. Guidance is a must so that your efforts can eventually bear fruit... literally. This guide will show you the way from sowing to growing seeds!
Right, let's get started!

Before you got out to get seeds or planting material, you will need a checklist. Note down the names of the seeds you want to buy and the equipment you will need during the initial sowing process. Try not taking any shortcuts, particularly if you want the right beginning!


• Picking the Right Seeds

process of planting seeds

When choosing what veggies, herbs, fruits, and flowers you want to grow, keep the prevalent environmental conditions in mind including space availability, sunlight, temperature, humidity, etc. Understand which flowers are annuals or perennials, which shrubs take how much space and which vegetable will mature fast for a good harvest. Read the instructions on the back for sure!

Also Read: Annuals versus Perennials

Carrying on from the last point the instructions will also help you in garden planning. How? Well, some plants need to be started indoors just at the end of winter while others need to be planted outside before winter sets in. So space out accordingly and mark each with the name if possible.

• What You Must Know Before You Start Growing Seeds

Now, two things should be considered before you plant - The first is quite obviously the soil. It goes without saying that it needs to be well aerated, have neutral pH balance, have a fair amount of moisture and nutrients and also the right temperature. 


✻ How to Germinate Seeds

learn how to germinate seeds indoors

The second thing is the seed itself. You can soak it in water beforehand to move along the germination process. Also, start maintaining a watering schedule pertaining to each seed, just for the beginning. The planting depth should usually be no more than the diameter of the seed. Some flowers seeds need to be dispersed above the soil to germinate, as they need direct sunlight.


• How to Grow a Plant Step-by-Step

Now, you must keep the soil fertile with organic compost and keep it fairly moist but not waterlogged. As the seeds germinate into seedlings and begin to grow, always handle them with the leaves and never the stem. Make sure the soil isn't too wet or this will prevent the percolation of oxygen.


1. Watering

watering, sowing and planting seeds

Whenever watering any plant, you must always make sure that its watering is done in a balanced manner. This means that you should neither overwater nor underwater it. So, one thing you can do is take a long ice cream stick and stick it into the soil. If the stick comes out clean, you must water your plant as the soil has gotten dry. On the other hand, if it comes out moist or damp with moist soil stuck to it, then you need not water it. This is for when your plant has gotten bigger. 

For when you are watering your sown seeds, you can use a shower-spout watering can to ensure that the soil of the seeds is drenched through and moist. 


2. Light Requirements

Sowing and planting seeds is not all about just seeing the seed grow into a seedling. It also means that the seed must grow into a seedling, then into a plant, and then into a tree if a tree is what you have planting. 

So, to ensure proper growth, always ensure that proper light reaches your seed and seedling as they are growing. This means that the germinating seed must receive full sunlight for at least 6-8 hours of every day, and the sapling must receive light according to its preferences. Some plant prefer bright, indirect light while others require direct sunlight. Some of them even like and tolerate low light conditions. 


3. Pests and Weeds 

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Finally, keep an eye out for pests and weeds and deal accordingly and swiftly, particularly in this early stage. Soon, germination will be done, and your seedlings will blossom into an awesome garden! When your seeds are just growing into bigger plants, ensure that there are absolutely no weeds around them to ensure that all necessary nutrients are going only to your plants. To efficiently remove all weeds, you can also use a weeder and other garden tools!

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So, now that you know more about growing plants from seeds, let your passion power through and treat your seeds like you would your child; your garden will be breathtaking!

Happy Gardening!