Hibiscus is a large genus of flowering plants with hundreds of species belonging to biological family Malvaceae (mallow).
Among these, Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis is the most widely cultivated flowering shrub in gardens. It is known by many common names viz. ‘Shoe flower,' ‘China Rose,' ‘Jaswand,' ‘Gurhal’ etc. It is a handsome bushy shrub that can grow up to 1-2 m tall. The plant can flower throughout the year in moderate and humid climatic conditions. The plant is excellent for shrubbery, hedge & as a single specimen on the lawn.
Medicinal Value of Hibiscus
The regular garden variety of Hibiscus with red flowers is also a medicinal plant. Although it has many medicinal uses, the flower is primarily used to prepare therapeutic hair oil for strengthening and darkening of hair. Read about hibiscus tea for a healthy heart.

How to grow Hibiscus Plant:
1. Growing Season:
Hibiscus can be planted throughout the year. All you have to do is get a sapling of your favorite hibiscus variety. That being said, Plants get established very quickly if grown in monsoon season.
2. Soil:
Add good quality potting mixture made up of well-drained soil & organic manure. Provide a handful of Vermicompost to the plant every month.

3. Sunlight:
Hibiscus is a sun loving plant. Keep your potted Hibiscus in a sunny spot in your home garden if you want it to bloom all the time. Many varieties will flower under partial sunlight as well.

4. Watering:
The plant needs an adequate amount of water. Water your hibiscus plant every alternate day in winter & almost every day in summers.

5. Hibiscus in Pots:
Plant Hibiscus pot varieties in big sized, earthen round pot to promote the root maturity. A well-established root system will only help in sustaining the plant over the winter months when you need to transfer it indoors. Buy Pots online in India.

6. Pruning Hibiscus:
Remove any dead, decaying, infected branches immediately. Shortening of branches is desirable every year to keep the plant in shape. Heavy pruning is not advisable. Learn about Pruning.

7. Hibiscus Plant Care:
Always look for the early signs of any insect/fungal/ any other infections. Spray appropriate medicines as soon as any symptoms of such diseases are spotted. Watch out for mealy bugs that appear under leaf surface & on flower buds in the form of white mass. Read more on how to take care of hibiscus plant.

8. Plant Propagation:
Hibiscus is mostly propagated by stem cutting or air layering its branches from mother plants. Hybrids are grown by budding. You can always buy sapling of a hibiscus plant variety from a reliable nursery.
Hibiscus Varieties or Cultivars:
The conventional Hibiscus flower is rose-scarlet with a single whorl of five petals. There are several cultivated varieties of many colors ranging from dark red, bright red, yellow and red with white stripes & so on.
The varieties of Hibiscus can be single flowered, double flowered, Hawaiian hybrids, the hybrids with super-sized flowers & the one with variegated ornamental foliage as well.
Hibiscus mutabilis, H. Schizopetalus & H. Syracuse, are other species of Hibiscus that can be grown in the garden as flowering shrubs.

Happy Gardening!