Every gardener loves his/her plants not just because they are pretty and smell amazing, but also because of the amount of care they have put in to get the plant to its healthiest state. So much love and nurturing goes into cultivating a garden, that it is nothing short of a triumph when the plants start germinating, growing and then finally flowering. It is the ultimate reward a green thumb can get. But on the other hand, there's hardly a worse feeling than when your plants start to wither away, and you just can't figure out why. This can rob you of your motivation and your love for all things green. But the fact of the matter is that there are just so many variables involved when you're growing plants that you just don't know which one went wrong. And that's why we are here! One of the biggest problems any beginner or even intermediate gardener faces is the sudden, inexplicable yellowing of the leaves. It is an incredibly devastating situation… but it doesn't have to be. You can quickly find out why your plants are turning yellow and reverse the process.
Here are the five most common reasons behind plants turning yellow:
Reason 1 – Overwatering
Yes, there definitely is something like too much love. Overwatering is one of the most popular reasons for leaves to turn yellow because sometimes it is hard to know when to stop. To check for this, poke around and dig up the soil slightly. If it is wet, then you know that it isn't draining well and retaining too much water. You can add some sand or replant if the problem is too big.
Reason 2 – Under-watering
This one is a slightly more widespread reason for yellow leaves because we're human and sometimes we just forget to take care of our plants. But if this happens too often, you'll get yellow leaves that are dry and crunchy to the touch. Get the watering can out fast and start watering! Learn about caring of indoor plants- diseases and treatment.
Reason 3 – Lack of sunlight
We all know that using sunlight is how the chlorophyll in the plants makes the food for the plant. But if the plant isn't getting enough sunlight then it slowly starts to yellow, droop and wilt away because of the low rate of photosynthesis. To solve this, simply move your plant to a better lit location or move it to a higher elevation. Read about how light affects the growth of your plants.
Reason 4 – Pests
The bane of gardeners everywhere in the world are pests because they can completely ruin healthy plants in a matter of days. So keep a lookout for any creepy crawlies. They tend to hide on the underside of the leaves or the base of the stem. Dispel them from your garden with a natural pesticide made from neem oil or simply purchase some insect killing soap. Read about how to get rid of mealy bugs?
Plant health depends on a lot of the soil that it is growing on. If the soil doesn't have the right balance of nutrients, then the plant will not receive what it needs to grow and start to wilt. Yellowing due to nutrition happens in distinct patterns like yellowing of the plant tissue, while the veins remain green. If this is the scenario, add some nutrient rich compost to the soil to solve your problem. Know more about houseplant problems and solutions. Yellowing of the leaves doesn't have to be the end of everything at all! You still have the power to restore your beautiful, colourful garden. All you need is the right knowledge.