Garden Maintenance How to get rid of slugs with beer January 20, 2023 Slugs and snails are some of the ugliest pests found outdoors - no garden is immune from them. Being slimy creatures, they move around well at night and in humid...
Garden Maintenance Use of coffee grounds for plants in Your Garden January 20, 2023 You often throw away a lot of organic matter that is a great blessing for your garden—for instance, used coffee grounds. They are your plant’s best friends, and knowing their...
Garden Maintenance Tips on Taking Care of Plants When You are on Vacation January 19, 2023 Introduction You spend time and energy to ensure optimum sun rays and water to grow beautiful plants at home. However, these plants could be affected when you are on vacation....
Garden Maintenance How to Take Care of Your Medicinal Herb Plants January 18, 2023 A Healthy Diet for Growing Medicinal Plants Neem Cake Powder - Neem cake powder is an ideal organic fertilizer for medicinal herbs. It has numerous essential micro and macro...
Garden Maintenance How To Maintain Your Home Garden January 14, 2023 Introduction Once upon a time, you had an epiphany while sipping your coffee in the open space of your home and thought to yourself, 'umm...a bunch of plants would make a...
Garden Maintenance How You Should Fertilize Your House Plants January 14, 2023 Houseplants are the perfect solution if you don't have access to a yard or an outdoor space. Not only do plants at home fill a room with loads of color...
Garden Maintenance Which Soil is best for Plant Growth? January 03, 2023 Plants are the lifeline of the earth, and without these plants, you can't imagine a single life on this planet. Plants are found in almost all this earth except in...
Garden Maintenance 13 Ways to Save Your Drying or Dead Plant December 29, 2022 If you are into gardening, then the reason for you coming here is that you have a dead plant in your hand. It can happen irrespective of how much you...
Garden Maintenance 10 Plants that Keep Snakes Away From Your Garden December 17, 2022 Seeing a snake in garden is no less than a horror story, especially if you have pets at home. But more often than not, if you've got an outdoor garden,...
Garden Maintenance How To Prevent Pine Trees From Yellowing December 13, 2022 Keeping a pine tree, popularly known as the Christmas tree, in your garden can take its beauty to the next level. Whether it is medium-sized in the planter or a...
Garden Maintenance Plants That Grow Without Soil At Home November 25, 2022 The thought of gardening is sure to have you all agog and raring to go. However, many people, especially city dwellers are reluctant to get their hands dirty and take...
Garden Maintenance Garden Bugs: Are they Good or Bad? April 30, 2022 When we see insects in our garden, our first instinct is to destroy them, but they are not always bad and destroying them might not work in the best health...