Best Container Gardening Tools to Use

Best Container Gardening Tools to Use

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Pots and tubs brimming with flowers are super pleasant and good to look at, aren’t they? Container gardening is undoubtedly an art. Being practiced since ages now, it is also an efficient way of utilizing minimal spaces for growing herbs, flowers, and vegetables. It makes the garden look attractive and comes with numerous benefits. Here are a few you must know about:

• Benefits of Container Gardening 

1. Eyesores can be hidden with the help of containers

2. Ground is not needed for container gardening

3. Plant display can be improved drastically

4. Plants that do not suit the garden soil can be grown

5. Tender plants can be grown outdoors

6. Pest damage can be avoided considerably 


    • Places Best for Container Gardening 

    1. Front door and porch

    2. Balcony and rooftop

    3. Patio

    4. Pathway and steps

    5. Pond

    6. Window sill

      Vegetables like green onions, beans, lettuce, summer squash, spinach and radishes can be grown in the containers at home and you can choose to create ornamental containers gardens too!

      For container gardening, the size of the container primarily depends on the type of plants that are to be grown. For instance a herb garden grows well in six- to ten-inch pots while tomatoes and peppers need a three- to a five-gallon container. The best part of container gardens is that they can be moved to gain sufficient sunlight. Experts recommend that lightweight and soilless growing mix should be used specifically for container gardening. The soilless potting mixes hold nutrients better.

      As distinct is the form of gardening, so are the container gardening tools. These are the scaled-down versions of efficient garden tools


      • Essential Gardening Tools: Best Container Gardening Tools to Use 

      1. Hand Cultivator

      Ugaoo Hand Cultivator

      Buy Hand Cultivator

      This container gardening tool helps control the weeds. There are numerous types of hand cultivators in the market. One type has three prongs. The pickaxe kind has one single-pointed end and a double point on the other end. Choose whatever type you like best.


      2. Trowel

      Ugaoo Trowel

      Buy Trowel

      A trowel is another excellent container gardening tool. It helps in keeping the hands clean and for efficiently filling containers, transplanting, dividing clumps of plants, and leveling the soil.

      3. Hand Hoe

      Hand Hoe

      This planting tool has a shorter handle and a smaller blade than a regular garden hoe. This is also used for loosening the soil and removing any weeds that may be present in the soil in order to protect the plants, and to safeguard their growth. 

      4. Watering Tools

      Ugaoo Magnum Watering Can

      Buy Watering Tools

      Watering cans are one of the best gardening tools for beginners as they make watering much easier and mess-free. Use appropriate watering equipment and avoid the gushing onslaught of water. It helps the water to reach the less accessible corners of the container garden. The thin, elongated nozzles of Ugaoo's Watering Cans allow you to water small plants without worrying about water getting all over the plant, especially when some plants don't appreciate water in their crown. 


      5. Pruner

      Ugaoo Pruner

      Buy Pruner

      Pruners are gardening tools that when compared to scissors allow for a cleaner and more neat cut, keeping the container plant healthy. These home gardening tools are considered extremely for snipping thick stems, that cannot be cut using any other equipment.


      6. String (or yarn) and Sticks

      Using plant support sticks as garden tools for cherry tomato in a pot

      String and sticks extend support to the plants in containers. For example tomato plants, trellises, and various young trees require external support to grow straight. Dark green or brown color sticks can be used for the same.

      Select the most efficient gardening tools and employ them to create a versatile and colorful garden space.


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