Growing Cleome

Growing Cleome

Table of Contents

Annual Flower
Botanical Name: Cleome
Family: Capparaceae family
Genus: Cleome

Description :

Planting Cleome flowers is a lovely garden adventure. Extremely simple in growing, this lovely garden adventure re-seeds itself and grows year after year. Also known as Spider flowers, Cleome look extremely beautiful in flower beds, borders, large containers, in background plantings, mixed with shrubs and are a good addition to the bird or butterfly garden too.
cleome flower, spider weeds, bee plant

Growing Information:

spider flower, soft focus, queen flower

Tools needed for growing Cleome:

How to plant Cleome seeds:

  • Plant the Cleome seeds in a location that receives full sun to partial shade.
  • These do not need any specific soil. The soil just needs to be well draining.
  • When grown from seeds they grow as fragrant flowers that are about 6 feet tall while the dwarf variety ones have no fragrance at all.
  • Cleome plants grow to become drought tolerant .
  • These plants need less nitrogen when compared to other annuals and shrug of pests and diseases.
pink queen cleome flower, Helen Campbell

Varieties of Cleome Series:

  • Sparkler Series- Short, bushy and ideal for containers
  • Queen Series- Open pollinated variety, it grows up to 6 feet
  • Senorita Rosalita- A sterile and thorn less hybrid that does not self-seed
  • Spirit Series- Dwarf, silvery cast leaves, tall thriller plant
Happy Gardening!