Peonies are outrageously charming flowers that bloom during the springtime. These fragrant beauties display deeply lobed leaves with flower colors ranging from red and white to yellow. Additionally, these flowers are very rewarding to grow from seeds as you get to be there from the very start to witness their entire journey!
Buy Flower Seeds
Peonies are one of the most popular garden plants in Asia and America. They are available in the spring and summer in these countries as cut flowers in bunches. Peonies plants can grow as tall as 11.48 feet and are available in 33 known species. But the main question remains - can Peonies grow in India?
To answer your question - yes! With the right kind of care, growing Peonies in India is a breeze. But before we get to that, here are a few more things you must know:
• Different Types of Peonies to Grow

1. Single
A single or double row broad petals encircle the stamens, while the carpels remain visible.
2. Japanese
A single or double row broad petals encircle somewhat broadened staminodes, may carry pollen along the edges.
3. Anemone
A single or double row broad petals encircle narrow incurved petal-like stamen, while fertile stamens are absent, carpels visible.
4. Semi-double
A single or double row of broad petals encircle further broad petals intermingled with stamens.
5. Bomb

A single row of broad petals encircles a shorter dense pompon of narrower petals.
6. Double
The flower consists of many broad petals only, including those that must be altered stamens and carpels
• Growing Peonies – Key Tips and Tricks

The flexible nature of the Peonies makes them very easy to maintain. All they need is full sun and well-drained soil. They could even bloom in cold winters as they need chilling for the formation of their buds.
The best time for growing Peonies is in the fall around late September and early October. The soil used for planting the Peony should not be very sandy. If it is, fill it up with compost. This will not only add fertility but make it much more suitable for the growth of the Peonies.
Do try and keep the growing flowers away from strong winds as they are quite delicate. Keep them spaced well, optimally four feet apart, for good air circulation between them. A generous sized hole should be dug for the peonies, about two feet by two feet. Finally, watering the plant well is imperative and will ensure that they bloom to their full potential.
• What Makes the Peony Unique?

Well, once they are planted, you can enjoy their beauty by combining them with other flowers in your garden. Planting white peonies with yellow irises and a froth of forget-me-nots and setting them off pink peonies will make your garden a sight of true magnificence!
Peonies also make beautiful cut flowers, lasting more than a week. You can cut long stems when the buds are still fairly tight and keep them in your room to freshen it up all day!
Did you know that peonies are the floral symbol of China, the state flower of Indiana, and the 12th wedding anniversary flower? Also, in ancient times peonies were believed to relieve headaches and help with asthma. They aren’t an ordinary flower!
So, get to work and dig up some holes in your garden for these wonderful flowers.