Knowing how, when, and how much to water your indoor plants is quite literally the key to keeping them alive. While to some this might come as second nature, it isn't easy for everyone - especially when they are just getting introduced to the world of gardening.
However, if you're a quick learner and feel the innate need to keep your plants as healthy as possible, you'll grasp the very concept of plant watering pretty quickly. Just follow these simple tips!
This blog will get into the basics of how to water indoor plants and tell you more about the easiest solution to ensure perfectly hydrated plants.
Shop Watering Tools for Proper Plant Hydration
So, let's get into it and start with some of the most basic questions that really need answers!
• What is the Best Time to Water Indoor Plants?

Is there really a right or wrong time to water your indoor plants? Yes, there is and this is one of the most basic things to know about plant watering.
The best time to water indoor plants is during early mornings and late afternoons. These times of the day are generally cooler and do not take a lot of energy out of your plants.
When the day is hot, evaporation rates are higher and plants tend to lose a lot more water. So, when you water them during a cooler time, they have more of a chance to soak up that water to make use of it.
• Are Watering Tools Really Needed?

There has been a lot of debate about this and we believe we've come to a conclusion. Yes! You do really need watering tools to water your plants.
Whether you're talking watering cans, spray pumps, or water meters; watering tools do a wonderful job at ensuring that your precious plant babies remain perfectly hydrated.
1. Why watering cans? They help you water the most delicate parts of your plants without having to worry about whether or not the flow of water will hurt them. The slow, steady, and delicate stream ensures that your plants are protected no matter what.
2. Why spray pumps? These help you mist the plants that need a good amount of humidity, keeping them perfectly moist without the risk of over-watering.
3. Why water meters? These devices help you ensure perfectly hydrated plants without having to worry about overwatering or underwatering.
• How Frequently to Water Indoor Plants?

There really isn't a right answer to this question. Why? Because almost every plant has distinct watering needs, meaning that they will need to be watered at different time intervals, and in different quantities.
However, you can make the job easier for yourself by understanding the origins of your plants. Here's how!
Tropical plants that hail from naturally humid regions with quite a bit of rainfall need more frequent watering to sustain.
On the other hand, desert plants like cacti and succulents need much less water as their fleshy leaves are used to store water in them, to survive long periods of drought.
Once you understand the origins and basic natural habitat of your plants, it gets much easier to care for them the right way. So, read up before you bring a plant home, and keep it happy by knowing more about it!
• Underwatering and Overwatering Plants Symptoms: How Can You Tell If Your Plants Aren't Happy?

Improper watering need not just be overwatering. There is also always a possibility of vastly underwatered plants.
Whatever the situation, both are problematic because your plants need just the right amount of water to thrive.
So, to eliminate problems, you first need to spot over and under-watered plants. Here are a few telltale signs!
♢ Signs of Overwatering Plants
Some dead giveaways of overwatered plants are as follows:
- Yellowing leaves
- Soggy soil that is consistently wet
- Rotting, mushy, and smelly roots
- Mushy stems
- Unpleasant odor of the soil, that could indicate rotting roots
♢ Signs of Underwatering Plants

Here are some signs that tell you that you are, in fact, underwatering your plants:
- Wilting and curling leaves
- Browning, crispy edges
- Dry soil that is pulling away the edges
- Super slow growth
Neither one of these problems is good for your plants. So, how can you avoid them? Here is a simple way that will blow your mind!
• How You Can Achieve the Perfect Watering Schedule: A Simple Trick!
Improper watering schedules that leaves our plants unhappy have always bothered us, too. So, we came up with a simple solution that will allow you to have perfectly watered, happy, and healthy plants like never before!
Introducing the Ugaoo Sustee Smart Water Meter! A device of dreams for every plant parent ever!
This wonderful plant watermeter is just what you and your plants have been needing. With impeccable accuracy and timely indications, our Sustee Watermeter saves your plants from being overly-hydrated or poorly-hydrated.
This sleek device fits in perfectly with all your plants and never spoils the aesthetic. Moreover, it ensures that your precious plants remain perfectly watered at all times. Here's how!
♢ Reading the Watermeter Indications

The Sustee Plant Watermeter gives you 2 indications that tell you whether your plant needs water or is perfectly hydrated.
Blue indicates that your plant is perfectly watered.
White indicates that it's time to water!
Within just 30 mins of introducing the Sustee to your plant, you will find out what its hydration status is!
♢ How Does the Smart Water Meter Work?
Our Sustee Watermeter works based on a smart Japanese technology. This technology reads the moisture levels of the soil and tells you more about how hydrated the soil-root zone of the plant is. Afterall, that's the zone that matters most!
♢ How Can You Use it For Your Plants?

Insert the Sustee Watermeter into the soil of your plants till the >< arrows. Once in, the device will take 30 minutes to read the soil's moisture levels.
After this, it will accurately tell you when to water your plants for 6-9 months, ensuring perfectly hydrated and happy plants!
When you finally nail down the right watering schedule for your plants, it will be a truly joyous moment. Sure, it will take a while and a lot of trial-errors. However, once you finally get it right and watch your plants thrive with balanced watering, you will never be prouder as a plant parent!
So, take the leap of faith and try till you get it right. And remember, the Sustee will make your job 10x easier than you could even imagine!
Happy gardening!
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