8 Ways to Make a Difference this World Environment Day

8 Ways to Make a Difference this World Environment Day

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You might think of World Environment Day and automatically think "pollution." However, that isn't the only issue that this day aims to tackle. With its 52-year history, the World Environment Day has been established as an essential part of driving the world to a better tomorrow in terms of pollution, individual impact on climate change, poverty issues, and even preservation of vital resources. 

The world has changed in many more ways than imaginable. The rate of global warming has risen drastically, meaning the temperatures have gone up resulting in issues such as climate change, melting glaciers etc. 

So, what are the different things that World Environment Day has focused on since its inception?


• Themes of the World Environment Day (1972-2024)

 Year  Focus for That Year
1972 Human Environment
1973-74 Only one Earth (conservation of the resources we have)
1975 Human Settlements
1976 Water: Vital Resource for Life
1977 Ozone Layer Environmental Concern; Lands Loss and Soil Degradation
1978 Development Without Destruction
1979 Only One Future for Our Children (for sustainability)
1980 Development Without Destruction
1981 Ground Water; Toxic Chemicals in Human Food Chains
1982 Ten Years After Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental Concerns)
1983 Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and Energy
1984 Desertification
1985 Youth: Population and the Environment
1986 A Tree for Peace
1987 Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof
1988 When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last
1989 Global Warming
1990 Children and the Environment
1991 Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership
1992 Only One Earth, Care and Share
1993 Poverty and the Environment – Breaking the Vicious Circle
1994 One Earth One Family
1995 We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment
1996 Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home
1997 For Life on Earth
1998 For Life on Earth – Save Our Seas
1999 Our Earth – Our Future – Just Save It!
2000 The Environment Millennium - Time to Act
2001 Connect with the World Wide Web of Life
2002 Give Earth a Chance
2003 Water - Two Billion People Are Dying for It!
2004 Wanted! Seas and Oceans - Dead or Alive?
2005 Green Cities: Plan for the Planet!
2006 Deserts and Desertification – Don’t Desert Drylands!
2007 Melting Ice - a Hot Topic?
2008 Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy
2009 Your Planet Needs You: Unite to Combat Climate Change
2010 Many Species. One Planet. One Future
2011 Forests: Nature at Your Service
2012 Green Economy: Does it Include You?
2013 Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Foodprint
2014 Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level
2015 Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.
2016 Zero Tolerance for the Illegal Wildlife Trade
2017 Connecting People to Nature – in the city and on the land, from the poles to the equator
2018 Beat Plastic Pollution
2019 Beat Air Pollution
2020 Time for Nature
2021 Ecosystem Restoration
2022 Only One Earth
2023 Solutions to Plastic Pollution
2024 Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience


These are the different issues that have been addressed during the different World Environment Days starting 1972. But what are the different things that you can do at an individual level to make a difference?


Also Read: A Brief History of World Environment Day


 8 Ways You Can Make a Difference on World Environment Day

1. Walk, Cycle or Use Public Transportation 

Parked Cycles

Carpooling or using public transport allows you to save on fuel and reduce the level of carbon emission produced by vehicles. In the long run, this substantially reduces the amount of vehicular pollution and also saves you from producing a higher carbon footprint. 


2. Seek Out Local Produce for Food

Local produce, farmer's market

When looking for fresh produce like fruits and vegetables to make use of in your daily life, try to find the best local produce for the same. This reduces the travel time and transportation requirements that come with the import and export of such items. Ultimately, this cuts down on fuel emissions and reduces carbon footprint. 


3. Start Using Reusable Items

Reusable cups

When eating, especially at home or even out, make sure you're saying no to one-time-use items like straws, plates, plastic spoons or forks etc. By doing so, you will be reducing the amount of waste production at an individual and global level. 

Additionally, you can also carry your own cups to places as many cafes do allow you to use your own cups to prevent the usage of their one-time-use, disposable cups. 


4. Switch off Lights and Electronic Devices 

turn off lights, illuminated light bulbs

At an individual and personal level, this benefits not just you but also your environment. Initially, it will allow you to save money on your electricity bill. But you're painting a much bigger, much more beautiful picture by reducing your carbon footprint and taking a step toward a better tomorrow. 


5. Conserve Water

Conserve water

The smallest thing with the biggest impact - water conservation. As one of the themes of World Environment Day say - "Water - Two Billion People Are Dying for It", this stands to be extremely true. With people dying of lack of access to clean drinking water, saving this resource is of growing importance. Simply turn off the tap while brushing, bathe with a bucket instead of a shower and notice the huge difference it will make in the long-run!


6. Compost to Reduce Organic Waste

composting to reduce waste

Composting involves using a compost bin to create what we call "black gold" in the world of gardening. This requires you to segregate your wet and dry waste, and make use of useful wet waste such as vegetable and fruit peels, egg shells etc to add to the bin to create organic compost that will later fertilize your plants. 

This reduces the amount of waste your produce at an individual level and connects greatly to the next thing you can do.


7. Grow a Garden  

growing your own garden

Growing a garden has a significant impact on the world's climate. This can create a cleaner, healthier space for everyone with better oxygen production and cleaner air to combat air pollution. Not only this, gardens also help eliminate noise pollution and reduce energy costs and soil erosion. This also helps minimize your carbon footprint and create a better living space for other living beings.

Buy Plants


8. Raise Awareness for Others

You can also contribute to raising awareness via public, social platforms. This will give you a chance to reach a larger audience and will give those who are unaware, a chance to know better and do better. 


Buy Eco-Friendly Environment Day Gifts to Raise Awareness