A garden space can be much more than just a place for growing your favourite plants and flowers. It is somewhere you can go to be peaceful, to be close to nature and de-stress after a long and challenging day. Beautiful gardens can have a significant positive impact on your health and make you look forward to the moment that you finally come home. Read about Gardening as Healing Therapy. But for all these benefits, you need to put a little bit extra into your garden. We've got a list of ideas that you can carry out, even with your family, to completely renew your garden. The effort that you put in will be rewarded on days that you need a pick-me-up and your garden will be your serene refuge.
Space to recline:
Being cooped up in your home for too long can get boring and monotonous. Sometimes you just need a place to sit down and relax and be closer to nature. When you're planning the layout of your garden, putting in a small seating area complete with a coffee table so that you can go out and enjoy the sunshine from time to time.
Paths to peace:
Have a sprawling garden that has different areas for different varieties of plants and flowers? Then you can create multiple paths starting from the entrance to each of these areas. These can be made from brick or marble or be lined with vibrant border plants that will stand out beautifully. This technique can help in organizing your garden which in turn leads to more organized thoughts. Also know about cool outdoor hardscaping ideas.
Fragrant flower beds:
If you have a preference for certain flowers, you can go all out and plant an entire bed of those flowers somewhere near a window that leads to your bedroom or living room. So, you will always have a beautiful fragrance coming in. You can mark these areas with creative labels and truly make them the centrepiece of your garden. Get 10 tips to develop beautiful flowerbeds.
Let there be light:
Most people tend to stay away from intricate light patterns in the garden because they are seen as too complex. But all you need are some fairy lights to give a vivid look to your garden at night. Get different colours and contrast them to the flowers that you've grown for a garden that is well-balanced, yet full of colour. Light paths are a particularly dazzling way of using this idea. Know more about accessories that will glam up your garden.
Have a mini-bridge:
Add a bit of Parisian charm to your garden by building a simple bridge that crosses over a water body. You can even fill that pool with sea-life, and it will be the perfect spot for you when you're feeling reflective or looking for some quality time with yourself. Moreover, it just adds some panache to a garden.
Install a water fountain:
Flowing water is one of the most peaceful sights, so why not have an elegant water fountain right in the centre? It can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. Many styles can inspire this fountain; from Greek marble, to red sandstone, turquoise and white tiles or anything else that will help you feel fulfilled. These are just some of the ideas to get you started on turning your garden into a peaceful refuge. The key is to get creative and do what you think will suit your garden the best. Good luck!