Considering getting new indoor plant home? Believe us when we say, we relate to your excitement! The prospect of a new green companion indoors, adding to the already stunning collection in your home, is very exciting. Also, if the plant is your first ever, we can imagine how eager you must be!
If you’re concerned about not having a green thumb, rest assured because when equipped with the right kind of knowledge, everyone can create their own thriving home garden! So, by the end of this article, we hope you’ll believe in yourself just a little more. Be motivated to start the kind of indoor garden that suits you and your home.
• How to take care of Indoor Plants
When bringing home plants, there is one thing that holds prime importance in the minds of professional and novice gardeners alike - “how can we take care of plants the way they need?”. Surprisingly, the answer to this is easier than you’d think. Here are a few basic points to remember about indoor plant care:
1. Picking the right plant
It all starts with this: picking the right plant. Choosing the right kind of plants that can thrive in your home, do well in the environments you can create, and fit in perfectly with your busy schedules is vital to creating a flourishing garden.
If your lifestyle right now does not leave you with too much time for yourself, you probably might not have enough time for your plants either. In such cases, low-maintenance plants that don’t need too much of your time or attention to thrive are your best options. But if you have more time on your hands and have a little more experience with caring for plants indoors, choosing a plant with slightly more care requirements will also work well. Remember, effort and love are crucial while caring for any living thing. The same goes for indoor plant care!
3. Sunlight - Not Too Much, Not Too Little
Based on the kind of plant, there are different light types that you can and should provide. Most plants require bright, indirect light. For this kind of light, you must place your plant near an open window with ample light seeping through. However, remember that bright, indirect light does not mean direct light as direct exposure could scorch the leaves instead of doing them good. Direct light works well for some plants like Jade and other plants that are quite hardy & adaptable. However, some plants thrive in low-light conditions. Such plants can do well regardless of where you place them. So, if you place them in a shaded bathroom, they will still bloom with the same grace.
Despite what levels of sunlight your new plant may need, there is one thing that stays constant and you must remember: at different times of the day, plants need different sunlight. For instance, your plants may crave direct sunlight in the morning and evening. However, during the day, direct sunlight would be too much for them. Essentially, most plants thrive in light and love to bask in the sun’s rays. Just remember to balance out the sunlight you give them throughout the day.
4. Pruning
Pruning is an essential aspect of proper plant maintenance. Pruning your plants and keeping them in shape ensures their longevity. Remember to cut yellowing leaves to allow your plant’s growth to continue. Old leaves that may be obstructing further growth can also be cut to ensure continued development. Additionally, flowering plants that regularly flower produce a lot of energy in producing seeds from dried-out flowers. So, deadheading these flowers is essential to ensure that the plant can flower further instead of wasting any of its energy.
Pruning also allows you to maintain the kind of shape you want for your plants. Especially for hedge plants like the Boxwood Buxus, trimming is essential to maintain a steady and good growth pace.
5. Humidity
Optimal humidity levels are another deciding factor for plant growth. When the humidity levels are too high, there is often a lack of circulation. When this happens, the plant cannot continue its process of transpiration or even draw nutrients from the soil. If this continues happening for a longer time,
Humidity requirements are something that must be decided based on the individual needs of your plants. For instance, tropical plants like the Bird of Paradise need more humidity to thrive - mimicking their natural, tropical habitats.
If you’re looking to improve humidity levels, you can place a tray of water with pebbles or polished stones in it. This water, when placed near the plant, will eventually evaporate and create additional humidity near the plants that need it. Additionally, you can also use a mister to spray the plant with water evenly. A humidifier is another targeted machine that you can use and keep near your plants, letting it create the required levels of humidity and ensuring that your plants thrive.
6. Fertilizing
Fertilizing your indoor plants according to their needs is another crucial, unforgettable aspect of proper plant care. With the market full of options and social media full of knowledge, fertilizing has become more confusing than ever for all of us.
To make it somewhat easier for you, we recommend that you use organic fertilizers to ensure the proper, natural growth of your plants. The usage of these fertilizers ensures minimal chemical exposure while giving your plants the balanced nutrition that they need.
Some plants require fertilization more often than others. For instance, flowering plants and other produce plants will require fertilization more often. However, indoor plants don’t need it at such close intervals. Most do well with being fertilized once every fortnight!

Also Read: Why Should You Prefer Organic Fertilizers for Plants?
7. Repotting Plants
Indoor plants vary greatly based on their growth patterns. Some take months to grow new foliage while others give you new leaves almost every other day. Based on these variations and differing growth habits, the repotting needs of plants differ too.
But why is repotting plants an essential part of aiding their growth? As plants grow bigger, their roots grow and spread out to absorb more nutrients to fulfill the growing plant's demands for food. This growth doesn't stop but it does get hampered when the pot size remains the same. In such cases, the roots cannot absorb what they need and the potted plant often suffers. What repotting does is refresh the soil's nutrients and allow the plant to grow well again.
There are a few signs to watch out for - signs that will tell you whether your plant needs to be repotted or not. If you notice the roots growing out from the drainage holes of the pot or see them rising upward in an attempt to find growth space, it's time to repot! Additionally, if the roots are pushing the plant out of the pot, it is also a sign you must take seriously.
It is fairly easy to repot a plant yourself. However, the most important thing to remember is to maintain the integrity of the root system. So, when uprooting the plants, here's something to do to ensure you maintain your roots. Place the pot on the floor horizontally and slowly roll the pot. This will loosen the soil that is stuck to it, giving your plant an easier way out. Then simply pull your plant out gently and keep nudging the excess soil out of the way of the root system.
When you've got the plant out, remember to repot it in a pot that is relatively bigger than the last one. This will allow your plant and its roots more space to breathe & grow. Put a little bit of potting mix at the bottom of the pot and place the plant on top, gently filling in more potting mix in the empty spaces.
Remember to thoroughly water the plant in its new pot so the soil can amalgamate properly. Let the excess water drain away before you put the plant back in its place or into another planter, and happy growing!
• Indoor gardening techniques: Tips to spruce it up!
Indoor gardening has evolved greatly over the years with many new techniques being introduced to the world of gardening, each technique bringing in benefits of its own. Some of the more well-known and greatly functional techniques like this are container gardening, terrariums, and vertical gardening.
Essentially, these techniques bring you creative ways of bringing nature indoors so that you can create a harmonious display of all your favorites while saving on space. Container gardening is a tailor-made technique for urban indoors that don't have too much space to begin with. On the same note, vertical gardening is a unique and wonderfully designed way of displaying indoor plants in urban spaces. Perfectly suited for small indoor spaces, this allows for a stunning decoration of walls and roofs with plants. Similarly, terrariums are self-sustaining ecosystems that save space and time.
Whichever plants you choose to grow, here are a few ideas and techniques to spruce up all types of plants to keep at home:
1. Container Gardening
Built to make life easier for gardening enthusiasts with limited space availability in urban indoors, container gardening involves growing plants in pots and planters as compared to directly into the ground. This allows for creating a garden where having a traditional garden is impossible.
This type of gardening is space-efficient and convenient. Additionally, these containers can be just about anything! If you've got a bunch of old containers lying around your place, make use of them creatively to create the indoor garden of your dreams. However, something to remember is that whichever container you choose, give it a good amount of drainage holes because plants need well-drained soil to breathe and grow well. Without that, they are open to the risk of root rot due to excessive water retention.
Taking container gardening up a notch are hanging containers! These are just as the name suggests - they hang from ceilings, giving rooms a whole new dimension and depth. So, if you've run out of floor space for your regular containers like pots and planters, just look up! Suspend your pots and planters from the ceiling and adorn them with delicate, cascading trails of indoor plants fit for hanging displays. Some such plants are ferns, creepers like the Money plant and Peperomia, or trailing succulents like the String of Bananas.
2. Terrariums
Looking for another gardening technique that gives you the benefit of being super low maintenance? Explore the alluring world of terrariums! Essentially, terrariums are self-sustaining ecosystems. Unlike traditional gardening methods, this is unique in the sense that a terrarium has everything it needs to thrive within its ecosystem. It needs minimal- no human involvement to live & grow.
These ecosystems are man-made in glass enclosures that are generally sealed, which help create a more humid environment, thus reducing watering needs. Naturally, terrariums are perfect for those with little time on their hands. Additionally, they are also ideal for people who have little space availability, as terrariums are compact and not demanding at all!

Also Read: How to Care for a Plant Terrarium 101
3. Vertical Gardening
Vertical gardens are wonderful creations that let you get creative with indoor plant displays and home decor! If you've run out of floor space, hanging plants are of course a way to go. But if you're looking to adjust a greater number of plants together for a more holistic & varied display, creating a vertical garden will let you fulfill all these dreams.
With vertical gardens not being limited to a particular space anymore, they have become super accessible and easy & fun to incorporate indoors. They allow plants to grow along a wall with the help of trellises, baskets, and containers. Also often called living walls, these gardens have a captivating allure because of their versatility. They allow you to grow ornamental plants and harvest plants like vegetables and fruits, with ease.
These are perfect for indoor spaces with limited space availability, for people looking for unique alternatives for container gardening, and for spaces that need a boost and an enhanced vibe! You can even choose to DIY and set it up yourself or opt for professional services to set it up for you.
Ready to experiment or simply just grow your own garden? Here are a few types of indoor plants easy to take care of for your home garden!
• 15 Indoor Plants Easy to Care for
If you’re looking for low maintenance, easy-to-grow, and stunning aesthetics, here are 15 types of indoor plants that will match your taste:
Name |
Care Tips |
Ideal Growing Styles |
Where to Place |
1. Money Plants![]() |
a. Water twice a week b. Needs bright, indirect sunlight c. Prune every 2-4 weeks to remove dead, yellowing leaves d. Medium to high humidity, with occasional misting |
a. Can grow well in vertical gardens b. Commonly used and great for container gardening everywhere c. Great as a hanging plant |
a. In the southeast corner of the room to attract luck and wealth, according to Vastu b. Great in living rooms or bedrooms and balcony displays. |
2. Peace Lily |
a. Water twice a week b. Needs bright, indirect sunlight. Also thrives in low light conditions c. Prune dead flowers every 2-3 months, and yellowing leaves d. Requires high humidity levels and regular misting |
a. Great container gardening plant. b. Classic option for vertical gardening |
a. Great indoor plants for bedrooms, for 24/7 oxygen and enhanced sleep b. In north or east-facing windows, according to Vastu. c. In slightly warmer rooms for higher humidity |
3. Peperomia Green |
a. Water once a week b. Needs bright, indirect sunlight. Can tolerate low light. c. Prune every 2-3 months for optimal shape and growth d. Medium humidity levels with occasional misting. |
a. Great creeping plant for vertical gardening. b. Ideal for container gardening and hanging baskets. |
a. Near a window for filtered light. b. On desktops, for smaller variants. Bigger, creeping ones do well in balconies c. Away from cold or hot areas |
4. Snake Plants |
a. Water every once in 2 weeks b. Need indirect sunlight to low light conditions c. Prune every 6-12 months to maintain growth d. Need low humidity levels to thrive |
a. Great for container gardening |
a. Great indoor plants for bedroom for 24/7 oxygen supply b. Smaller varieties as desktop plants. c. Near a house entrance to ward off bad energy, according to Vastu. |
5. Anthurium |
a. Water twice a week b. Needs bright, indirect sunlight c. Prune every 2-3 months for optimal shape and growth. d. Requires medium to high humidity levels with occasional misting |
a. Great for container gardening. |
a. Great bathroom plant b. Can be placed on tabletops in living rooms for added vibrancy |
6. Aglaonema Plants (aka “Luck Plants”) |
a. Water thrice a week b. Needs indirect sunlight to low light c. Prune every 2-3 months when yellowing leaves are seen. d. Requires medium to high humidity levels with occasional misting. Tolerates low humidity. |
a. Great for container gardening b. Works well for vertical gardening as well |
a. Great in bedrooms & living rooms for aesthetic b. Perfect for shaded window displays |
7. Spider Plants |
a. Water twice a week b. Needs bright, indirect light c. Prune every 2-3 months for optimal shape and growth d. Requires medium to high humidity levels with occasional misting. |
a. Great container gardening plants b. Brilliant options for vertical gardens |
a. Perfect indoor plants for living rooms b. Easy small plants to take care of in hanging displays |
8. Rubber Plants |
a. Water once a week b. Needs bright, indirect light. Can tolerate low light. c. Prune every 3-6 months to maintain shape and growth d. Prefers medium to high humidity levels with occasional misting. |
a. Great indoor plants for container gardening |
a. In the east or southeast-facing window, according to Vastu b. Great indoor plants for living rooms & offices due to the luck factor |
9. Jade
a. Water once a week b. Needs bright, indirect light. Can tolerate some direct light. c. Prune every 6-12 months to maintain d. Prefers low to medium humidity levels |
a. Great terrarium plant b. Great for container gardening |
a. Place in the east direction for thriving business & harmony, according to Vastu b. Additionally, in the Western direction for promoting creativity & children’s luck c. Easy succulents to take care of indoors in living rooms |
10. Monstera Plants |
a. Water once a week, when topsoil feels dry b. Needs bright, indirect light. Can tolerate low light. c. Prune every 3-6 months to maintain d. Prefers medium to high humidity levels with occasional misting. |
a. Great for container gardening b. Brilliant options for vertical gardens |
a. Near entrances to attract positivity and luck, according to Vastu b. These are types of indoor plants perfect for bathrooms |
11. Croton Petra
a. Water twice a week, when topsoil feels dry b. Needs bright, indirect light to maintain color. Can tolerate some direct light. c. Prune every 2-3 months for optimal shape and growth d. Prefers medium to high humidity levels |
a. Great for container gardening |
a. In southeastern or eastern part of the home, according to Feng Shui b. Perfect indoor plants for bedrooms |
12. Haworthias |
a. Water once in 2 weeks, when topsoil feels dry b. Needs bright, indirect sunlight or partial shade c. Prune every 6-12 months to maintain d. Need low to medium humidity levels to thrive |
a. Easy succulents to take care of indoors, in containers b. Perfect for open terrariums |
a. Perfect for windows with filtered light b. Great options for tabletop displays |
13. Calathea Plants |
a. Water twice a week, when topsoil feels dry b. Prefers indirect sunlight or partial shade. c. Prune every 2-3 months for optimal shape and growth d. Require high humidity levels to thrive |
a. Perfect for container gardening |
a. Great indoor plants for bedrooms b. Larger varieties are great for floor displays c. Great bathroom plants for high humidity |
14. Ferns |
a. Water once to thrice a week (depending on the type), when topsoil feels dry b. Prefer low to moderate light. Sensitive to direct light c. Prune every 2-3 months for optimal shape and growth d. Require high humidity levels to thrive |
a. Great options for closed and open terrariums b. Great for container gardening c. Perfect options for vertical gardening as well! |
a. These types of indoor plants are perfect for bathrooms b. Shaded balcony displays with filtered light c. Should be kept in peaceful rooms or meditation rooms, according to Vastu |
15. Syngonium Plants |
a. Water once to thrice a week (depending on the type), when topsoil feels dry b. Prefer moderate light conditions but can tolerate low light c. Prune every 2-3 months for optimal shape and growth d. Prefers medium to high humidity levels |
a. Perfect for container gardening b. Ideal plants for vertical gardening |
a. Place in sharp corners of your house to ward off negative energy, according to Vastu b. Perfect indoor plants for living rooms, windows, and bedrooms |
For ages now, indoor plants have been reliable and wonderful companions for individuals all over the world! The joy of bringing home a plant and raising it with care & love is unmatched, and watching it thrive is one of the most rewarding things.
The concept of indoor plants hasn't changed but the way that these plants are displayed and cared for has changed exponentially as we got to know more about the plants we house. According to their individual requirements and preferences, they can be displayed differently, and these are just a few plants to be named from a long list of those fit for indoor displays!
So, go ahead, take your pick and create the indoor garden of your dreams. Happy gardening!